We are particularly proud to be able to offer scholarships to graduating high school seniors. For several years we’ve awarded as many as 10 scholarships. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, need and all-important community service.
Each year, the Kiwanis Club of Bainbridge Island selects the Bainbridge Island Educator of the Year from candidates nominated by students, parents, other educators and the public at large. Selections are based on the nominee’s contributions towards educating the students of Bainbridge Island. The educator receives a $1000 award.
Kiwanis International is a “family” of organizations that focuses on teaching young peopl about the responsibilities of good citizenship, community service and building future leaders. The Kiwanis Club of Bainbridge Island sponsors two youth clubs:
Key Club (Bainbridge High School)
Builder’s Club (Woodward Middle School)
Our sponsored youth clubs independently initiate service projects and community service activities throughout the school year. Our club works through an advisor in each youth organization to coordinate our participation with their activities or to have them work with us on major service programs and fundraisers. Mr. Chris Miller coordinates our SLPs.
Our Kiwanis club sponsors and is actively involved with the Bainbridge High School Key Club.
Hiber.global satellite team on a video conference with New Tech Academy Key Club
Our Kiwanis club supports Bainbridge High School Key Club and their service projects. periodically attend Key Club meetings, provide mentorships and provide college scholarships for the Key Club students. We launched and mentor the first STEM-based Key Club to support the development and implementation of technology and science-based solutions as service projects.
Builders Club is a Student Leadership Program at Woodward Middle School. Our Kiwanis club brings in food and treats and recognizes, supports and encourages the kids, through example, so they feel empowered to do great things in their communities. We support Builders Club service projects, help facilitate the Builders Club meetings, provide mentorships.
Our annual ShredFest is held the first or second Saturday after tax day. Bring your documents for shredding. The event is free to the public although donations are gratefully accepted and all funds raised go towards the Bainbridge Kiwanis Foundation which supports scholarships and other community service activities.
Kiwanis is an active participant in Bainbridge Island’s “Grand Old 4th” festivities. Along with our partners from Boys & Girls Club we march in the 4th of July parade.
We also set up our “putt putt” miniature golf course in the “Kid’s Zone” at Waterfront Park. It’s fun and really popular.
ALL COMERS TRACK MEET (scroll down for results)
This is our club’s “signature event”. It has been recognized at the global level by Kiwanis International. All ages are welcome and no pre-registration is required… just show up and sign in at 5:30pm! Races start at 6:00pm at Bainbridge High School stadium/track. The event is free although donations are always welcome.
ACTM wouldn’t happen without the support of our generous sponsors. They include: Gold sponsor: Bainbridge Senior LivingSilver sponsors: Bainbridge Self Storage,Bainbridge Kid’s Dentistry, Pleasant Beach Village, West Sound Physical Therapy Bronze sponsors: Bon Bon Candies, Island Cool, KiDiMu, Boys & Girls Club, Kitsap Physical Therapy, BI Senior Center
We plan to continue the ACTM tradition in 2025. The season will begin on the first Monday after the 4th of July and will be followed by an additional 5 meets. All meets are on Monday evenings at Bainbridge High School stadium/track.
Results from latest meet:
Watch this space for results from the most recent meet…they’ll be posted here each week.
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here.
Woodward Middle School, 9125 Sportsman Club Rd NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA
Kitsap Strong is headed to Woodward Middle School on Bainbridge Island on Wednesday, March 5th, to facilitate the Welcome to Your Future simulation for their annual 7th and 8th grade Explore Day. Join us as a volunteer! Arrival is 8:40 am and the event is 9:05-11:50 (three sessions of students over the course of the morning). Come connect with kids in a fun interactive event as they explore careers and learn financial literacy. No special knowledge or training needed. Here is a full description of volunteer responsibilities.
Please let me know if you can participate by replying to this email. Any community members are welcome to volunteer, so please share this email with colleagues, friends, or partners!
Thank you, Promise
P.S. I will be on vacation next week so I may not reply promptly. If you are available to volunteer, we have a spot for you! --
Promise Partner (she/her/hers) Future Bound Facilitator, Kitsap Strong 206-771-0029 (work cell - call or text) I may be working flexibly and email you outside normal business hours. There is no need to respond outside your own working hours. I support your healthy work boundaries, self-care, and family and community time.
What We Do
We are particularly proud to be able to offer scholarships to graduating high school seniors. For several years we’ve awarded as many as 10 scholarships. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, need and all-important community service.
Each year, the Kiwanis Club of Bainbridge Island selects the Bainbridge Island Educator of the Year from candidates nominated by students, parents, other educators and the public at large. Selections are based on the nominee’s contributions towards educating the students of Bainbridge Island. The educator receives a $1000 award.
Kiwanis International is a “family” of organizations that focuses on teaching young peopl about the responsibilities of good citizenship, community service and building future leaders. The Kiwanis Club of Bainbridge Island sponsors two youth clubs:
Our sponsored youth clubs independently initiate service projects and community service activities throughout the school year. Our club works through an advisor in each youth organization to coordinate our participation with their activities or to have them work with us on major service programs and fundraisers. Mr. Chris Miller coordinates our SLPs.
Our Kiwanis club sponsors and is actively involved with the Bainbridge High School Key Club.
Our Kiwanis club supports Bainbridge High School Key Club and their service projects. periodically attend Key Club meetings, provide mentorships and provide college scholarships for the Key Club students. We launched and mentor the first STEM-based Key Club to support the development and implementation of technology and science-based solutions as service projects.
Builders Club is a Student Leadership Program at Woodward Middle School. Our Kiwanis club brings in food and treats and recognizes, supports and encourages the kids, through example, so they feel empowered to do great things in their communities. We support Builders Club service projects, help facilitate the Builders Club meetings, provide mentorships.
Our annual ShredFest is held the first or second Saturday after tax day. Bring your documents for shredding. The event is free to the public although donations are gratefully accepted and all funds raised go towards the Bainbridge Kiwanis Foundation which supports scholarships and other community service activities.
Kiwanis is an active participant in Bainbridge Island’s “Grand Old 4th” festivities. Along with our partners from Boys & Girls Club we march in the 4th of July parade.
We also set up our “putt putt” miniature golf course in the “Kid’s Zone” at Waterfront Park. It’s fun and really popular.
ALL COMERS TRACK MEET (scroll down for results)
This is our club’s “signature event”. It has been recognized at the global level by Kiwanis International. All ages are welcome and no pre-registration is required… just show up and sign in at 5:30pm! Races start at 6:00pm at Bainbridge High School stadium/track. The event is free although donations are always welcome.
ACTM wouldn’t happen without the support of our generous sponsors. They include: Gold sponsor: Bainbridge Senior Living Silver sponsors: Bainbridge Self Storage, Bainbridge Kid’s Dentistry, Pleasant Beach Village, West Sound Physical Therapy Bronze sponsors: Bon Bon Candies, Island Cool, KiDiMu, Boys & Girls Club, Kitsap Physical Therapy, BI Senior Center
We plan to continue the ACTM tradition in 2025. The season will begin on the first Monday after the 4th of July and will be followed by an additional 5 meets. All meets are on Monday evenings at Bainbridge High School stadium/track.
Results from latest meet:
Watch this space for results from the most recent meet…they’ll be posted here each week.
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here.
Facebook Posts
Upcoming events
Kitsap Strong: Welcome to Your Future
Please let me know if you can participate by replying to this email. Any community members are welcome to volunteer, so please share this email with colleagues, friends, or partners!
Thank you,
P.S. I will be on vacation next week so I may not reply promptly. If you are available to volunteer, we have a spot for you!
Promise Partner (she/her/hers)
Future Bound Facilitator, Kitsap Strong
206-771-0029 (work cell - call or text)
I may be working flexibly and email you outside normal business hours. There is no need to respond outside your own working hours. I support your healthy work boundaries, self-care, and family and community time.
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
8:00 am
Pledge of Allegiance
Thought for the day / Invocation
8:05 am
8:20 am
Club Business
Meeting Venue Change (all)
- The BARN weekly meetings and Installation Banquet
- July morning meetings at Bethany Lutheran Church
ShredFest (John)
- Confirmed for High School Rd., Advertising, Signage, Reader board, Other
Advertising & recruiting (Jim)
- Branded content article for Sound Publishing, podcast, scholarships, Educator of the Year, website, newsletter
Chris’s Updates (John)
- Builders Club, Key Club
- May 7 evening meeting: recognition & awards
Happy Bucks
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
"Putt putt" golf
Grand Old 4th parade
All Comers Track Meet
Kiwanis morning meeting
All Comers Track Meet
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
All Comers Track Meet
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
All Comers Track Meet
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
All Comers Track Meet
Kiwanis evening meeting
All Comers Track Meet
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Holiday wreath sales
Holiday wreath sales
Holiday wreath sales
Kiwanis evening meeting
Holiday wreath sales
Holiday wreath sales
Holiday wreath sales
Kiwanis morning meeting
Holiday wreath sales
Holiday wreath sales
Holiday wreath sales
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis evening meeting
Kiwanis morning meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting
Kiwanis breakfast meeting